Digital transformation

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MedCity Influencers, Artificial Intelligence, Health Tech

Views of Digital Health from the Oregon Trail

Today, many hope artificial intelligence will be the key that unlocks the value of digitization. Perhaps it will, but the claim that better technology will necessarily improve healthcare is no longer credible. Having lived in both analog and digital worlds, who better than us Oregon Trail doctors to help ensure digital health technologies best serve our workforce, patients, and communities?

Health Tech

Hospitals Should Take A Page Out of Amazon’s Digital Engagement Playbook, Argues Providence Digital Chief

In order for health systems to “not be commoditized fully,” they need to collect data to know their patients’ behaviors better and build stronger relationships with them, argued Sara Vaezy, Providence’s chief strategy and digital officer. Consumer brands like Amazon have been doing this for years so they can deliver personalized experiences to their users, and it's time hospitals take a page out of their playbook, she said.

Health Tech

Here’s What Stanford Learned From a Failed Tech Pilot

About 70% of hospital IT pilots fail or face major challenges, yet it's rare for hospitals to discuss these setbacks. At HIMSS23, two nursing informatics leaders argued that project failure is nothing to be ashamed of because it can teach hospitals valuable lessons about what they need for technology initiatives to thrive in the future.

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Health Tech

4 Reasons Hospitals’ Tech Investments Can Go Awry

Avia CEO Linda Finkel has had many conversations with health systems executives about why their technology initiatives haven’t gone as planned in the past. Based on these experiences, she has noticed four main reasons hospitals don’t see the results for which they were hoping — including not exercising enough scrutiny during the vendor selection process and failure to think about capability at scale.

Health Tech

3 Tech Adoption Rules for Health Systems to Follow

Hospitals are being more careful than ever when scrutinizing ROI for new technology. Ashis Barad — Allegheny Health Network’s chief information and digital officer — gave advice for health systems follow during the adoption process for new technology, such as ensuring clinicians are involved early on and viewing Big Tech as partners instead of threats.